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BI Report

Rapid Design Decision Management Cockpit

BI Report Products

BI Report-Intelligent Data Analysis Platform, through flexible data interaction and exploration and analysis capabilities, comprehensively meets the data analysis needs of industry applications. It provides multi-source data integration, report design, data visualization, self-service BI Report analysis, and data filling functions to help users explore the potential value of data and provide data support for managers to make decisions.

Real-time view of production schedule,
Adjustment of production tasks

One Click Export Performance,
No statistical entry required

Control the whole factory at any time and anywhere

Deep integration with other applications

BI Report Product Architecture




BI Report Product Advantages



Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Implementation effect product data management capability improvement; improve the efficiency of product data management, to achieve consistency, integrity and accuracy of product data

AMAX Intelligent Solutions Cloud Platform

The solution was changed to AMAX intelligent solution cloud platform, and the content of the circle red was changed to dig deep into the pain points of the manufacturing industry and accurately create

Solutions for the Electronics Industry

Transparency in the production process; integration of production process control data with other data; all-round improvement of profitability, productivity and after-sales quality.